This is why you need Data Appending to Boost Email Marketing ROI

Initially, the customer database will not be complete and accurate. Some important information like phone numbers, genders, etc might be missing. In other cases, the database might contain duplicate or incorrect information. When data is appended, all the information is made accurate and perfect for use. In turn, data appending services fill up the missing information and enhances the quality of the email database.

Here are the reasons why data appending is considered extremely important in maintaining the quality of email lists.

  1. Appended databases contain detailed information about the consumer such as age, gender, phone number, address, etc. When you get access to permission-based and verified information, the targeting takes the next level.
  2. With the help of data appending services, the errors in the business email database can be easily corrected.
  3. Data appending services free up the list from email bounce backs that happens due to the presence of wrong contact information.  As a result, both the time and money is saved.
  4. With more clear and detailed information, data can be segmented easily. This increases the ROI and shortens the sales cycle for the businesses.
  5. Data appending services are proved to be economical and affordable. It serves as an alternative and time-saving factor for your marketing team.  

Multiplies the number of ways to reach a consumer

When you think of reaching the target prospects, you gotta choose among the plethora of communication channels. Some feel comfortable through phone calls and some other category of the audience will be happy to receive emails. With the help of data appending services, all the available contact information is accurate. Even the missing details are filled up. This paves way for the multiple number of ways to reach a consumer and generate new leads.
Easy to find new prospects who match your ideal target audience

Data appending services have the ability to grasp all the information from the current business email database. Later, uses it to compare and extract the contact information of the new prospects similar to your current list. As a result, you get a powerful grip on marketing because you are reaching out to the new but perfect target audience.

Can Data Appending lead more sales conversions for your business?

Among all the other marketing strategies, email marketing still plays an important role in today’s digital era. Do not miss out to make use of data appending in your next marketing strategy. When you have accurate information, it becomes mandatory to compose personalized email campaigns. Through personalized emails, it is possible to reach a specific target audience. Convey the customized marketing message and start building your brand awareness. It is natural to get attracted when you reach people with specific interests. Ultimately, the appending services help you to develop the loyal customer base. Get ready to break through the competitive market with appended business email lists.   

Build a deeper connection with your audience
Yes! Data appending helps your marketing team to build long-term connections with the target audience. Initially, choose any specific data and append to the CRM database. Now, the ideal profile of the buyer is ready for your marketing team! Plan a custom marketing message and be the first one to attract. With this facility, develop interactive content and make people remember you in spite of the high competition. For instance, you can append email ids of prospects who hold specific interests to CRM database and send monthly newsletters.

Avoid these mistakes while Data Appending

  • Never ignore your current database: Make sure you completely understand the current email database. Your database will have various type of contact information acquired from multiple resources. Based on your analysis, decide which type of information will be helpful for further enhancement in marketing strategy. The best strategy comes into place when the email list is analyzed correctly,
  • Don’t forget database cleaning: Cleaning the database is the next important task. Never retain the customer data which is older than 36 or 48 months. You can either use the software tools to clean it yourself or send it outside to database cleaning service providers. By doing this, it will increase the match rate when compared to third-party data. Also, consider the preferences opted by your customers. So that you can delete the contact information of the consumers who do not prefer to receive any marketing messages from you anymore.    
  • Don’t miss to have an objective: What have you planned to do with enhanced data list? Be clear about it! Whether you want to screen the ideal prospects who would probably buy your products or just send promotional messages? By doing this, you will be able to pick the right contact list for your marketing objective. This avoids major confusions while planning a campaign.
  • Don’t lose focus while choosing service provider: Choose the trustworthy and right vendor for your data appending needs. Also, your list provider will have data expert team. They can recommend the right direction to serve your purpose. Irrespective of the expenses, take care that your database enhancement happens correctly.
  • Don’t miss to test and validate your data: Once you get a file, run a test. Randomly check the appended list for 50 samples approximately. As a result, you will be able to measure the percentage of possible match. Of course, it cannot be 100% but somewhere between 90 percent sounds good. Many service providers provide the free test and help you to interpret the results efficiently.     


Finally, the whole process of data appending seems complicated if you are trying for the first time. But, it is extremely essential to append, clean, and map your data regularly. In addition, having a trustworthy vendor is more advantageous in validating the whole process. Don’t you think that adding correct information to the email database enhances the conversion rates and ROI? Your business growth is the result of having the database appended regularly. Grab that confidence to reach the right prospect through any preferred marketing channel.    


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